Mongolian Black Gojiberry (15 teabags)


Exquisite Exotic Tea: This naturally sweet, tart, and grounding non-caffeine herbal tea with a captivating blue and purple hue. An exotic blend, sweet and slightly tart, redefining your tea experience.

Potent Nutrition in Every Sip: Experience high potency with anthocyanin-rich black gojiberry, harnessing the sun’s yang energy. Indulge in a tea that not only tastes divine but nurtures vitality.

Grown in Resilience: Hand-harvested in the Mongolian Gobi Desert, where communities of wild collectors tend to the berries to maintain abundant harvests each year, despite the harsh conditions. Black gojiberry thrives, resilient and robust, capturing the essence of its unique origin.

Tonic for Women’s Wellness: Traditional Mongolian medicine praises black gojiberry as a women’s tonic, supporting blood building. Embrace the wisdom passed down through centuries for holistic well-being.

Healthy & Earth-Friendly Packages: Indulge guilt-free with our biodegradable cane sugar teabags. Unlike plastic teabags that may release particles, our sugar cane teabags are a healthy choice, ensuring your tea experience is pure and eco-conscious.

Brewing Instructions for Potent Infusion: Unlock the full potential of Mongolian herbs by brewing a teabag in hot boiled water for 3-5 minutes. Each tea bag is rich in potent ingredients, allowing for 2-3 uses to maintain your sugar balance effectively. Elevate your tea ritual with this holistic and flavorful blend.

Vibrant Transformation: Watch the magic unfold as black gojiberry reveals its chameleon-like nature. In acidic water, witness a rich purple hue; in alkaline water, marvel at the stunning transformation to a mesmerizing blue shade.



✨Антиоксидантаар баялаг тул хөгшрөлтөөс сэргийлнэ.
✨Дархлаа сайжруулна.
✨Элэг, бөөрний үйл ажиллагааг дэмжинэ.
✨Цусны эргэлтийг сайжруулна.
✨Бодисын солилцоог сайжруулна.
✨С витамин ээр баялаг.
✨Цус шингэлнэ.
✨Цусан дахь сахарын хэмжээг тогтворжуулна.
✨Биеэс хорт бодисыг гадагшлуулна.


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